I am now 28 weeks and moved from Dr appts every 4 weeks to every 2 weeks. String Bean is measuring 15 inches give or take a little from head to toe and weights about 2 lbs. I feel good. Still sick almost every morning but I get by with a little bread and a glass of cold club soda. I haven't really gained alot of weight but do feel the effects of what has been put on. Hoping it will all come back off quick as a wink :) HA!!!
Last week was the gestational diabetes test (I have attached the nasty drink picture below). The day started out very rough. Managed to get in a breakfast then a quick snack at 10am before I had a big wedding show meeting in town. The meeting of course ran over and I missed lunch. Which meant I was going to drink this sugar drink (exactly 1 hr before a blood draw) with nothing in my tummy. HA! Baby is NOT going to like this, I thought. To top it all off, Steve was in the car waiting for me texting my phone"5 min till you have to drink" then "2 min till you have to drink" Then again "its time to drink". I managed to cut the meeting short, chug the orange drink and get to the blood draw/Dr appt on time WHOO!
So I am sitting on the cold table after getting a blood draw and a shot in my butt for my RH negative blood type waiting for my midwife. In she walks and states very quickly "you failed your test". What???? I thought....oh @!?%&! Serious?!?!
To make a long story short, I then had to schedule a 3 hour blood draw. BOOOOO
7 am Monday morning came and I had been fasting sense 9 pm. Let me just tell you that 14 hours without food or drink (including water) just about killed me! I was beyond irritated and very sick to my stomach along with a grueling headache. To make it all worst I had to drink the orange nasty drink, AGAIN! This time the drink was double the sugar.
I was happy when it all was over and found out my blood sugar is normal. I will remember to eat right BEFORE I have to test again in the future :) Not a pleasant experience getting poked with a needle 4 times!
You look so gorgeous cousin :) xoxo