Not too much has changed as far as the last nursery update. We are a little behind now due to the sheet rocker being sick :(
I think we are only behind like 2 days but I can't help stressing about it a bit when I only have 4 weeks and a few days left till due date.....OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! I seem to be freaking out a bit, LOL
I keep thinking she is going to come early which make me really worry. From what I have heard most recently is that the "project" should be ready for carpet and move in by Feb 7th or 8th. The room is really coming together as far as decor. Its hard to still see it all in the corner for now but I can at least picture it :) Paint has been purchased and ready to slap on.
Co sleeper and car seat arrived a few days ago. Armoire and rocking chair is finished. Crib got here a few weeks ago and ready for daddy to set up (hint hint) as well as a few other items. Looking forward to having this large project all finished and ready to go. She is going to love her room :)
String Beans room
Lookin goooood!!!