Thursday, March 31, 2011

At home with mommy

This picture cracks me up. Annison was crying and crying and I really needed to get some wedding work done so I put her in this sling wrap. She slept for two hours in it :)

 Hoppy Early Easter
Showing off her new hat

Our little bird

Was not feeling the flash at this point!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A day in the life.........

First grocery shopping trip

Close upTek Enjoying the Boppy

Sleeping Beauty


Saturday, March 19, 2011

The love of our life

I have been taking so many photos of Annison and thought I would share some of the last few days. She is really starting to eat well. She sleeps 2-3 hours and feeds for 40-45 min. We are all moving into a nice routine. Steve and I are finally getting some good sleep at night as well.
We went out to dinner for the first time with family and friends tonight. She didn't make a peep! Annison is such a blessing to us. We love her more then words could ever describe.

 Snuggle time
Happy St Patty's day

Friday, March 18, 2011

Baby Gunn has arrived!!

Annison Lee Gunn arrived on Friday 3/11/11 at 7:31 pm. She weighed 7 lbs 9 oz 21 1/2 inches long.

We arrived at the hospital on Thursday 3/10 at 2 pm for a second gel injection and by 4 pm I was contracting. At 8:50 pm my water broke and I was in full hard labor by 9 pm at 2 cm dilation. I really wanted to experience it all as long a possible without an epidural. They hooked me up to pitocin and I labored till 5 am on my own. The epidural arrived and the pitocin was increased . They checked me at 6 am and I had only dilated one cm! Quite frustrating to think I worked so hard for that cm.

The day went on and on and on. I just kept thinking I was never going to meet this little thing. By 5 pm my membranes had been broke for 20 hours and I was only at 6 cm. My midwife Michelle arrived and we all made the decision that c- section was the next step. I agreed and they started to prep for surgery. Our family's came in to give quick hugs before I was going about to be transferred. Michelle decided to check me one last time before I went in. To ALL of our surprise I was fully dilated!!

We pushed for 1 hour and out she came. A beautiful healthy baby girl entered our world. We both are so in love with her.

We of course have taken a hundred + photos of her....Its bed time for us now so I will add more pictures tomorrow.

Just before we thought we were headed in for c-section. I was so ready to be done!
Annison Lee Gunn
The Gunn Family
Daddy's girl

 Daddy loves you
 Getting ready to go home
First Car ride
Adjusting to the family pet....I think they like each other!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Here we are 7 days overdue. Really getting anxious now. We had our appt on Tuesday to hear that I had made a "small" amount of progress. Cervix had softened slightly. We had the baby's non stress test and she continued to move the entire time (which is really good). My BP was high at the appt and String Beans heart rate was too. She was a steady 170-175. My midwife seemed a bit concerned and ordered an ultrasound. Turned out she was fine. The tech guessed she is weighing in at a whopping 8 lb and 3 oz. BIG GIRL! Hoping he is off by a lb at least!
We then headed to the birthing unit at the hospital at noon to get the cervical gel injected. By the time I got into the bed my BP was normal and baby heart rate was normal again too. I think she could sense my tension.

I got the gel and was sent home after an hour. Cramping started within 45 min of the gel and contractions were not far behind. Steve and I went for a walk and the contractions intensified!!! They continued all night. Counted 31 from 7 pm to 6:30 am Wednesday morning. Unfortunately not enough to go back in. They stopped and haven't returned.

Today we are headed back to the hospital for another round of cervical gel (if I have not dilated) and injected again at 8:30 pm tonight. If I have dilated they will then start pt IV  and break my water.

We are hopeful that we will have a baby Friday or Saturday. If I don't dilate by Friday morning then I believe they will be sending me home and I will return next week for a c section.

I should know more today when we arrive at the hospital. I really hope that all the hard core contractions helped me make some progress.

We will continue to keep you all posted......

Monday, March 7, 2011

OVER DUE: Day Four

Still pregnant with no changes. Contractions in the night have not returned unfortunately. Appointment is tomorrow so take the next step. Steve and I are hoping we will not return home tomorrow afternoon. We will continue to keep you all posted............

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Hmmmm....still nothing! I have been told I have "dropped" by many so I guess that is a change. I have also been experiencing a few contractions in the night that I can not talk through (OUCH). They come and then they don't return. I get very excited and think "this is it, I know it" then the next thing I know I am asleep and morning arrives. It kind of cracks me up to think I want  pain to happen,  LOL.

Baby continues to move around. That is a good sign to me that she is not in any distress. I know it must be very tight in there sense I continue to see baby body objects protrude out the side of my tummy. Its quite strange and feels awful! The contractions I guess could be a good sign that I am starting to maybe dilate even if they don't continue. That would be awesome cause then we could just skip the gel injection and go straight to induction. Its just a waiting game that I am not good at :)

In the mean time I am sleeping a lot, walking, reading up on labor/delivery, nursing and giving a few wedding tours on the side. I will continue to keep you all posted..............

Friday, March 4, 2011

OVER DUE: day one

Well here we are....still pregnant! Everything is ready to go and collecting dust as we speak LOL!
I really am trying to have a sense of humor about this whole process. I just am not very patient I guess is the problem....or I am anticipating the pain that could happen at any moment (feel free to happen!) Lets get this show on the road already!!

Just under 4 days till we go back to see my midwife. I will then have the cervical gel injected to "soften" and POSSIBLY start the labor process. I have done some serious research on it and have heard many different stories. Some blog and say nothing happened for them and others say dilation happened within 12-24 hours. I just hope something happens between now and then! If we do make it to Tuesday (my feet continue to swell bigger thinking about it) I will be anxious to see if the gel works for me. I will continue to keep the updates coming this weekend/next week.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

D Day in 7 hrs 07 min.......but who's counting!

Well tomorrow is officially DUE DATE day! I am extremely surprised I have not had her yet. I thought for sure she would be weeks early. To my surprise she would like to stay in a while. I really don't blame her, Its warm in there and she can be on her own schedule. I however would really like to meet her asap! Steve and I have been waiting very patiently. I keep talking to her telling her she needs to come out soon. :)

We had our weekly appt on Tuesday. We were told again (3rd week in a row) "No Change". Nothing is opening so next week when we return will be at the end of week 41. Michelle, our midwife will then check me again, do a stress test on baby as well as inject some medicine to get me to "possibly" start contracting. I sure hope this works!!! If not, on week 42 I will have to have a c section. Not too happy about the idea of this possibly happening, but I really have no choice if she doesn't come out before then. Steve and I are anxiously waiting to see if labor happens soon on its own. That would be ideal for me, but at this moment I really don't see anything happening without a little push.

In the mean time I am taking walks everyday, packing things up and down the stairs, cleaning, moving around furniture to maybe get things rolling. I am extremely bored out of my brains, but am trying to enjoy a little bit of r and r knowing she will be keeping me very busy soon enough.

Wedding season is fast approaching too. I look forward to getting outside and doing some much needed spring work. I got a baby front/back carrier from a family member and can't wait to use it. Hope she enjoys being outside. I know the Kabota will come in handy too to carrier her around. Her car seat will fit perfectly.

Here are some updated photos of the last few days. Monday day/ night we got 7 inches of snow. Unbelievable how pretty it was. Its fast melting now.......

Week 40

 Me and Moo getting in some snuggle time before baby
Tek enjoying his sisters hooded blanket. :)