Thursday, March 10, 2011


Here we are 7 days overdue. Really getting anxious now. We had our appt on Tuesday to hear that I had made a "small" amount of progress. Cervix had softened slightly. We had the baby's non stress test and she continued to move the entire time (which is really good). My BP was high at the appt and String Beans heart rate was too. She was a steady 170-175. My midwife seemed a bit concerned and ordered an ultrasound. Turned out she was fine. The tech guessed she is weighing in at a whopping 8 lb and 3 oz. BIG GIRL! Hoping he is off by a lb at least!
We then headed to the birthing unit at the hospital at noon to get the cervical gel injected. By the time I got into the bed my BP was normal and baby heart rate was normal again too. I think she could sense my tension.

I got the gel and was sent home after an hour. Cramping started within 45 min of the gel and contractions were not far behind. Steve and I went for a walk and the contractions intensified!!! They continued all night. Counted 31 from 7 pm to 6:30 am Wednesday morning. Unfortunately not enough to go back in. They stopped and haven't returned.

Today we are headed back to the hospital for another round of cervical gel (if I have not dilated) and injected again at 8:30 pm tonight. If I have dilated they will then start pt IV  and break my water.

We are hopeful that we will have a baby Friday or Saturday. If I don't dilate by Friday morning then I believe they will be sending me home and I will return next week for a c section.

I should know more today when we arrive at the hospital. I really hope that all the hard core contractions helped me make some progress.

We will continue to keep you all posted......

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