Wednesday, June 8, 2011

from another view..

Annison turns 3 months on Saturday so Mommy and Daddy bought a Bumbo chair! Woohoo!
She seems to really love it and is finally getting to see the world from another view besides the swing. Helps me out too with chores. Lately putting her down or "handing her off" to someone has been a challenge. Not only for her but for me too. She screams until she is back into my arms. It really bothers me to hear her cry. We all hope this is just another faze and it will pass soon. Just breaks my heart to see her sad.

Here is the new bumbo chair!

1 comment:

  1. HA! Love it! Poor chubby lil Colton never fit in his cause of his chub legs lol!!! Oh and no worries, her needy-ness is a faze... One of MANY to come... MANY. ;)
