Monday, August 22, 2011

She is no longer a newborn

Well...... we have hit another big milestone! Steve and I have enjoyed the special bond with Annison next to us each night for the last 5+mo. She is no longer a newborn and needed to start sleeping in her own bed. I started the transition about 2 weeks ago. When she fell asleep I would wrap her tight and lay her down. Getting her use to sleeping without us holding her and the introduction of her crib.
Steve and I talked about it all this last week. So last night we did the routine and when she fell asleep at 8pm we both tip toed into her room and from that moment on we had silence till 7 am this morning!! I think the transition was much harder on me then Annison. I have loved having her so close to me, listening to her breathe and knowing she was OK. I guess that is why I got up twice in the night to check on her....Of course she was just fine!
When she woke up this morning I snapped a few photos of her.

Here is our big girl!

1 comment:

  1. YEY for Annison!!! How in the heck do you wrap her so tight?!?! lol I could never master that with Colton he always found SOME way to get his arms out!!!
