Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas in Seattle

It's that time of year again Boys and Girls!
We loaded up the car Saturday morning and headed  North for a weekend of lots of family, friends and holiday gifts. Saturday evening we spent a jolly old time at the McNeley families residence for their annual Christmas party. Great to see everyone....and Santa made an apearance too! For the record Annison HATES the man in the suit! :) Wouldn't even come close to sitting on his lap....a loud screech is what we got instead of a cute picture! LOL

Sunday was a day of rest and gifts with Grandma, Papa and the Smith family. Annison was spoiled rotten...we were too! :) Thanks guys

Here are some of the photos that were taken on our little mini Christmas getaway...

first gift

ready to help

Forever friends :)

Picture 3 : Hates Santa!!

Picture 2 : This was when we all witnessed the horrible screech

Picture 1 : Santa had a gift for Annison

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