Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Snow day

Getting ready to go outside

Curious George

Annison is now into everything. She is crawling faster then we can keep up at times. She stands for up to 15 sec without holding on. She has 6 teeth. 4 on the top, 2 on the bottom. She is still an awesome sleeper. 8 pm to 7:30 am. She loves her toys and peek a boo. Annison has been trying many finger foods these days. Her new favs are:
#1 Cheese and broccoli
#2 Pear and broccoli
#3 Meat and pasta

I have been trying to feed her a large variety of food choices. Hoping she will continue to be a great eater. So far it seems to be paying off!  :)

Annison and Santa

Christmas in our new house 2011

What a wonderful holiday season. Spent the eve with family and close friends. Steve, Annison and I really enjoyed hosting at our new house.

Christmas morning Steve and I got up, made some coffee and waited very patiently for moo to wake too.  Of course she didn't really get it, but it was fun watching her play with all her toys after. Here are some special pics of Annison's first Christmas.

Christmas eve

Moo was just getting over a cold. Her nose was running all night

Christmas Morning

Please no more pics mommy

Matching fishing hats
